The Junior League of Los Angeles is an organization composed of strong women who are wholeheartedly dedicated to the spread of voluntarism, the cultivation of the potential of women of all ages and the acvancement of society by way of implementing positive action and training volunteers to take on important leadership positions within their community. The efforts and goals of the Junior League of Los Angeles are solely in being educational and charitable to the local communities.
The organization invites women of every age, religion, race and place of origin to join their cause. They only ask that individuals have a want for the betterment of their community and will be passionate about their position as a volunteer at the organization.
The vision of the Junior League of Los Angeles is that they will be the frontrunners of women’s organizations within the region for creating positive changes to their communities that will not only withstand the tests of time, but give way to further positive growth and development as the years go on. They are committed to their work and are willing to spend the time needed to cultivate a positive impact that will take hold within a community in need.
In order to achieve the mission that they have laid out for themselves as an entity, the Junior League of Los Angeles provides training and opportunities for hands-on experiences in order for volunteers to be the best influence on the community that they can possibly be. Seminars, community service, leadership roles and mentoring are just some of the ways the the Junior League of Los Angeles educates its volunteers, whom, just by participating, are positively impacting the community. Members of the Junior League of Los Angeles are internally driven by dedication to the construction and cultivation of exceptional communities. The organization implements a unique combination of training, development of community leaders, hands-on service and public policy advocacy to inspire volunteers, who in turn influence the community for the better.