Studies have shown that people who are happier and more outgoing tend to have better heart health, are better at managing stress in their lives and have a lesser risk of stroke relative to those who are less optimistic.
For those who feel they could stand to be a bit more optimistic, there are tactics and habits one can practice to improve upon their outlook in life and become a happier- and therefore healthier- person.
1. Practice Gratefulness– There is something to be said for being grateful for your life and everything you have. It is natural to aspire for more, but if you cannot be happy with everything that you already have in life, you will never reach happiness, no matter how much you attain. At the same time, you need to be grateful of all of the obstacles and hardships you have encountered. The reason for this is that they strengthen you as an individual and help you to further appreciate all the good in your life. If you can start embracing this mindset, slowly but surely you will start to become more optimistic.
2. Practice Forgiveness- Learning to forgive others for having hurt you in the past is a key component to becoming a more optimistic, outgoing individual. The phrase, “Don’t look back you’re not going that way,” is a good one to remind yourself of. Meaning, don’t allow instances in your past to affect the life you are living today.
3. Change Envy to Energy- Feeling jealous of others is usually because we have an area of our life in which we feel we are lacking. Rather than spending time feeling envious of others, turn that energy inwards and use it to motivate yourself to improve upon areas that you have always wanted to be better in. Do not do it to be better than anyone else- do it to be a better you.
4. Smile! So simple, yet so effective. Even when you don’t feel like smiling, or are feeling unhappy, try smiling for a bit. You’ll be surprised at the lift in your mood, even if you didn’t expect it.
5. Be Responsible for Yourself- It is easy to point the finger at others for reasons things have occurred in your life, why certain situations have failed, or any other problems in your life. It is time to take control and realize that you are in charge of your own life- only you can make the positive changes you want to see. Accepting this responsibility will give you a refreshing sense of liberation and optimism.
These tips are just some of the highly effective methods for improving upon your optimism and viewing the world in a more positive sense. To hear more of these helpful tips for optimism and happiness in life, check out this article from shape magazine.