It’s that time of year again- the season of giving, merriment and visiting relatives and loved ones to enjoy the Holidays with one another. While all of these things are undoubtedly events to look forward to, unfortunately, travel during this season can be a nightmare. With everyone trying to get home for the Holidays, airports are more crowded than usual, flights are delayed, people are getting bumped from flights- you may wonder how you’ll ever get home to your family. The following are some suggestions for ways to remain calm and have a stress-free travel experience!
1. Preparation is Key: In order to not get overwhelmed in a bustling airport, make sure you are completely packed and prepared the night before your trip. Have everything laid out and ready so you can wake up the next day and hit the road on time, avoiding any last-minute snags. Be sure to arrive early for your departure as well, so you won’t have the worry of missing your flight (or bus or train).
2. Know the Truth About Travel Safety: Concern with the plane crashing tends to heighten stress & anxiety for travelers. Many people don’t know- or forget- how rare instances of plane crashes are, and that it’s actually safer to fly than drive. Do some research to put your mind at ease.
3. Make Yourself as Comfortable as Possible: The second you get to your seat, try to get yourself as comfortable as necessary so that you can relax and not feel anxious or frustrated with your trip. Bring a billow, have a beverage, bring a book or magazine- anything so you can feel at ease as quickly as possible.

4. Expect the Unexpected!: During the holiday season, travel is notoriously fickle. Expect delays so that when they occur, you won’t be devastated. In all honesty, if the plane takes off on schedule, you will be having much better luck than a lot of people during holiday travel season!
5. Remember your destination: At the end of the day, you’ll be home soon and with your loved ones. That’s really what matters. The flight/travel experience may not be the best during this busy time, but you’ll be where you’re trying to go before you know it. Keep the end goal in mind to help calm you down.
To read more about tips for stress-free travel, check out this post form Pop Sugar. Happy Holidays everyone, and safe travels!