For anyone looking at Kit Rich, a Pilates instructors for celebrities and healthy-lifestyle coach for large name brands, you would never guess that she was once a woman struggling to lose roughly thirty pounds. She tried all types of extreme, unhealthy, short term methods to drop the weight- practices that facilitated issues such as eating disorders and body dysmorphia for her. In her desperation to lose weight, she couldn’t see how unhealthy it was- and how these extreme diets would cause her to ricochet back to the opposite extreme of unhealthiness. It was simply impossible for her to lose weight, or keep any weight she did lose, off.
After years and years and of this unhealthy behavior, Kit finally realizes that these extremes weren’t getting her anywhere. She finally reached a conclusion that enabled her to lose 30 lbs, and is an idea that she stands by: Make it Manageable. This is Kit’s number one piece of fitness advice and overall mantra. What she sticks to, in terms of exercise, is the practice of, “three miles or 30 minutes, every day.” It was exercising in this way that made her workout routine more doable and thus, she began to see results that were lasting this time. Kit says that the way you get your thirty minutes of exercise is entirely up to you- hike, jog, or walk three miles, or do a thirty minute workout that can consist of circuit training, weightlifting, and so on. If there’s any advice we should take, it is probably that of a professional trainer. ” I really do believe wholeheartedly that the middle road is the way to go,” says Kit, “Anything extreme is not long lasting.”
This three-or-thirty rule is one that can truly help women to lead a more healthy, balanced life, rather than thinking they need to work out for hours a day to achieve results. Working out can seem like a daunting task, especially for women who lead busy lifestyles. With the three-or-thirty rule, and in doing workouts that they enjoy, women will be able to achieve lasting results, feel better about their bodies and hopefully will not dread working out so much anymore. To learn more about Kit Rich and her workout tips and tricks, check out this page.